Your Biggest Threat Isn't Your Competition.

It's your Own Brain. And it's already getting in your way.

A Refreshing take on
Mental Health
for students

Helping students work through tough emotions – from stress & anxiety to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Check out what other schools are saying below!

Your People are Losing Every Day - to their own Brains

Your goals for them – and for your company – don’t stand a chance, unless they get their minds working for them, not against them.ย 
Learn how they can make their toughest obstacleย  (their own mind) into their greatest ally – like an AI autopilot running automatically.

Eating Disorders and Hypnosis: What the Studies Show
Play Video about Eating Disorders and Hypnosis: What the Studies Show
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Eating Disorders, Body image, and More: Not Just About Weight Loss
Play Video about Eating Disorders, Body image, and More: Not Just About Weight Loss
Play Video about Can Nutrition Shift Depression?
The Digest on Microbiomes, Stool Samples, and More
Play Video about The Digest on Microbiomes, Stool Samples, and More
Nutrition, Fuel, and Mental Health
Play Video about Nutrition, Fuel, and Mental Health
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Play Video about Professional Level Nutrition, Jars of Pee, and Why Many Supplements are Bogus
Unhealthy Heart? Why it's the #1 Killer Worldwide
Play Video about Unhealthy Heart? Why it's the #1 Killer Worldwide
Doug Sands

Meet Doug Sands

Keynote Speaker | Subconscious expert

As an author, speaker, and trained practitioner in Psychology, Doug has spent nearly a decade helping businesses turn their greatest liability into their most reliable asset.

He’s always been fascinated by one question in business: Why do the top achievers reach their goals, but the rest fall behind?

After unearthing what really holds business people back (hint: it’s ourselves),ย his mission has been to help others get out of their own way – using powerful tools from Psychology, Neuroscience, and yes, even Self-Hypnosis.
Tom Watson
Tom WatsonDirector of Regional Sales, Domo
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โ€œI really wish weโ€™d hired Doug years ago. He helped us identify what our growth teams couldnโ€™t put their finger on, that we could feel was limiting our success.

Dougโ€™s talk was actionable for every level of our organization. Highly recommend Doug to all companies who need highly engaged employees. Weโ€™ll be bringing him in for all our regional sales departments.โ€
Rita Barnes
Rita BarnesDirector of HR, Excelsior
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โ€œEntertaining and incredibly valuable. The best speaker we had at our annual conference.

Not only did Dougโ€™s talk keep everyone engaged โ€“ Iโ€™m still seeing people use his tools around the office nearly a year later!โ€
Michael Roark
Michael RoarkSales & Marketing Director, Lithium Industries
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โ€œDoug saved our Sales Team. Weโ€™d been pushing them hard, but not in the right way.

One of my top performers told me later that [Dougโ€™s] tools helped him quit pushing towards burnout, and set him up for his best month yet.

Weโ€™ve booked him for our other conventions already.โ€
Richard Overton
Richard OvertonDirector of Finance, Xactly
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โ€œDoug was the hit of the conference.

Not only was it entertaining โ€“ his message on how people can improve their focus and (more importantly) achieve results, was exactly what we needed.

The steps he shared were perfect, and our regional teams have been implementing them individually, and as larger groups.โ€
Pam Buchanann
Pam BuchanannConference Planner, Real Estate Revamp
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โ€œIn over a decade planning this conference, I have to say that your presentation was the most unique weโ€™ve ever had.

Entertaining for sure, and clearly valuable. I heard attendees talking about your keynote the rest of the three-day conference. Highly recommend!
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