Doug Sands

Meet Doug Sands

Keynote Speaker | Subconscious expert

As an author, speaker, and trained practitioner in Psychology, Doug has spent nearly a decade helping businesses turn their greatest liability into their most reliable asset.

He’s always been fascinated by one question in business: Why do the top achievers reach their goals, but the rest fall behind?

After unearthing what really holds business people back (hint: it’s ourselves),ย his mission has been to help others get out of their own way – using powerful tools from Psychology, Neuroscience, and yes, even Self-Hypnosis.


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Doug's Most-Requested Keynotes

Your Greatest Asset - or Biggest Liability?
How to Get Your Mind On Your Side

60 minutes, or 90 minutes

Right now, your people are losing out each and every day, to their own brains.

Our minds are built to lose momentum, focus, and drive – so how do you help your teams stop fighting themselves to get things done? And how doย they maintain those changes, day in and day out, to meet both their goals, and yours?

In this humorous and engaging keynote, Doug teaches and empowers allย levels of employees, by giving them the psychological tools to reduce the drag and resistance that’s currently holding them back. He then teaches how to make your brain into your greatest ally, like an AI program that’s running automatically towards your goals.

Why Motivation Never Lasts: Your Subconscious is Cutting You Short

60 minutes, or 90 minutes

Motivation is a terrible long-term fuel – and you can see how much it’s hurting the bottom line. Each quarter, you’re spending a painfully high amount trying to re-invigorate your teams – only to have that motivation run out again in a matter of days.

What if instead, you could have your employees motivate themselves?

In this powerful talk, Doug shares why it isn’t about pep talks or deadlines. He teaches your employees psychological tools from neuroscience, NLP, and even self-hypnosis to “trick” your brain into automatic motivation – each and every day – for production, job satisfaction, and of course, the bottom line.

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