Mastering Confidence


Ready to turn heads with your newfound confidence? This hypnosis will get you there! 


This track is Anywhere Hypnosis’ version of the world-renowned Hartland Ego-Strengthening Protocol – time-tested and loved by thousands. It naturally enhances security, safety, and peace of mind to help build and maintain confidence.


It will also improve your beliefs about self-worth, self-love, and self-confidence. By the end of this session, you’ll have the confidence that deep down, you know you deserve.


Ready for confidence in everything you do? Get this audio, because you deserve the confident life that’s waiting for you here.



Doug Sands is the Consulting Hypnotist who helps change lives all over the world, helping clients overcome everything from sleep issues to extra weight, from public speaking to PTSD and more. To contact Doug directly, go to



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